"Her stock suddenly sky-rocketed."
Your videos are hilarious, man. I love this style you and BrewStew have going on, this animatic narrative kind of thing. You certainly have a lot of good comedic timing. Good job, man.
"Her stock suddenly sky-rocketed."
Your videos are hilarious, man. I love this style you and BrewStew have going on, this animatic narrative kind of thing. You certainly have a lot of good comedic timing. Good job, man.
I was very entertained to say the least. Very good animation, too!
I am pleased. My animating is even better now, most of this is 4+ years old... so stay tuned.
What's your writing process? Do you write down something that happened, then sit down and write a script, then record these down? I'd like to know. Keep it up! Glad to see you're keeping it weekly.
Thanks for the question, man. I don't often get reviews with questions in them.
Sometimes it can be something that happens, but that's actually pretty rare.
More often than not it's just something that pops into my head for no reason at all. For instance, for Family Reunion, I was lying in bed trying to forget about TooF after spending so much time on Snipe and the idea of a shitty family reunion popped into my head. A couple supporting ideas for it followed (How I hate it when old people talk all slow and about stuff no one cares about, as well as how you usually have someone at the family reunion who hates it as much as you do) so I got out my phone and jotted them down. I haven't been to a family reunion in a long, long time so it wasn't from any direct experience.
So then I'll take those couple of ideas I had and run with them. Try to work script ideas around them. Fit them together somehow. Sometimes what you come up with doesn't work as well with everything else. I wanted to have a couple of uncles at the reunion who were all snobby but it just didn't end up fitting in with time and I couldn't come up with something for them to say that I thought was all that funny. I made the mistake of not excluding the grandpas or at least changing their lines to something more entertaining. I thought it was kinda funny at first but after reading it a few times I should have changed it. I was kinda running short on time though, which should never be an excuse.
The script is the most important part of what I do and I'm going to spend more time polishing it in the future episodes. When I did the original TooF episodes, pretty much everything that came to mind I put down. I would jot it down in like 10 minutes and not polish it at all but people liked it so I found no need to change. I didn't like the scripts in the originals though. They didn't have a lot of substance. Just quick humor. So I traded in my fart jokes for yo-mamma jokes :)
I'll usually sit on a script for a day or so before recording it. I HATE re-recording so I try to include any ideas or changes and be as happy as I can be with it before sitting down to record.
Chopping up the audio is one of the more annoying processes. I don't record everything in sequence. I'll record each character I do separately with multiple takes of each line to pick from. Staying in character allows you to not only have voice consistency but also helps them sound more differentiated. Then I have to pick the best take of each line and put it in sequence with the script, with the right pacing (pauses between lines not too long or short). Then I adjust the audio level so some voices aren't too quiet.
Sometimes after I record or after I start animating I'll come up with a line I wish I would have done. If it's really good, I might go back. But more often than not I just convince myself that it wasn't too funny :P Going back and doing a re-recording for just one line sucks because no matter how hard you try, it usually sounds different than the first time you recorded it. Sometimes you can hear things that were re-recorded if I sound slightly different during a line in the animation.
Anywho, I hope that was the answer you were looking for :D Thanks for asking!
Very interesting. I actually learned quite a bit from this. I also learned what a Radio Tube was.
Hahaha I loved it. It brought me back to an old age in NewGrounds for some reason. I don't know if you know AlanTheBox, but he has some animations similar to this. That rotorscoping looked heavy af. Very talented work, man. Keep at it!
I seen a few of his flashes. Thanks for the review
Very clever continuation of the joke. It didn't get tiresome, if not the exact opposite. Very good job!
I think what Lou was trying to say is there's a reason these skanks go home with the douche. They're not looking for a relationship, they're not looking for people to admire their personality, that's why the loud music, and the alcohol, and the dancing: how do you get to know people like that? It's all vanity. They go home with the douchebag, cause he's gonna fuck her, she's gonna forget about the boyfriend that broke her heart, she'll get syphilis, and we all laugh at her for being a dumb skank. I've been to a couple of parties and clubs. Never got the hang of them.
Just in case, I REALLY doubt anyone actually ever married someone they met at a club, 'less they were drunk when they did it. Next time, if ever, that you go to a club, just sit there and look around. Seriously. Just look around, and act like you're the baddest motherfucker in the place. When a girl walks up to you and says hi, make eye-contact with her for the most excruciating 4 seconds of her life while maintaining a serious face and tell her ".... I just farted" and walk away. Now THAT'S how you have fun at a club.
Loved it. It reminded me a lot of Brewstew's work. Still a very nice story. Very funny. great job!
Needle Dick has to be one of my top mascots right now. Love your website. Keep adding stuff to it!
We'll be launching a full functional site this friday Jan 19th, i'll message you! Thanks for the kind words
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Age 32, Male
AUC brah
Joined on 9/13/12