You hit all the right notes with this. I'm obsessed with leaving Family Guy on the background and also these mowing videos at 3am. Great job once again Yotamtippiddy
You have a very unique style. You contribute something to this world. I hope these words motivate you to continue being productive. You inspire me a lot Alan.
That was brilliant Alan. I always look forward to your animations. Zorb Life.
Just in case these aren't claws.CORAL
You ain't never seen nobody with as much skill as this
You should write to Adult Swim and show them your bits. I loved Sick Animation's Adult Swim bumps, and you have so many animations that fit perfectly with their style. I'll always love your work, man. Hope you can poop out an animation or two this year.
well thanks! i'm always trying to poop out more stuff for you. heck, i'm trying to poop one out for you right now!
ALAN!!! You're back!!! Are you back for sure tho?
probably not!
Two of my favorite fucking artists doing yoga. It's like, whatever, let's go.
These are really good, man! It's very well written, the characters match their personalities and everything just overall fits so well. The animation is a bit choppy, but it's a lot of work anyway, and it's very well done for it being done in Flash. Kudos to you on this series! Keep it coming!
I loved it so much. It started so simple yet entertaining, then moves into this unexpected rant with fluid animation. I loved it so much, that's all, you rock.
lol thank you sire =D! i worked on that kecleon for 2 days
I Draw. A lot.
Age 32, Male
AUC brah
Joined on 9/13/12