I Draw. A lot.

Age 32, Male


AUC brah


Joined on 9/13/12

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You say the people who get all attention are the ones that have a steady fanbase, but how did they get that fanbase? I don't think it's luck if you ask me, they worked hard to get it so they get the attention they deserve, (well, some more fairly than others). But really, i think newgrounds is all about the unrecognized talent, i mean, you have a lot more possibilities of having a front page here than having a daily deviation on deviantart, and yeah is true, some work is unrecognized (like my "the adams adventure" animation D':), but this is the best place for unrecognized talents that i know of, it's not perfect, but it's not that bad as you say, i think.

I know it ain't terrible, and I know you gotta work hard to earn a fanbase like Sexual Lobster and Egoraptor, but it's like, really when I update the page or I see friends going to Newgrounds, that's all they do! They just check out the already made talent. But I know, that's what NG is all about, keeping it indie. I pitched an idea to Tom (probably unread cause he's jerking off to Hentai all day errday instead of being a dad) that maybe a random flash/audio/game could be hosted on the FP a day, or that it changes every couple of hours, just like the daily Steam sales. It's an idea, tho! Anyway thanks for taking the time to read. I'll check out your Adam's Adventure tho. See how amazing social media is?!

I agree with the guy below me. Newgrounds is pretty decent, and once you get scouted it is much easier to get your stuff seen. And besides, NG always has its sections for simply everything that is submitted, so your stuff is bound to be seen by somebody.

I know I know and I thank you for being polite with your comment, cause it leads me to another point: NEWGROUNDS IS FILLED WITH DOUCHEBAGS. Most people in Newgrounds that are willing to say anything either already gave you 5 stars and votes cause you're you, the person they admire, but when someone they don't know or don't like comes along, and they don't posses the social skills to communicate and express what it is they don't like so much, they won't shit over your art, they'll shit all over your self-worth! Go on! Look at some reviews on Newgrounds! Hell!

Look at some of my older reviews! It's nothing but hentai game reviews and stupid opinions no one gives a shit about, but I just HAD to voice it cause I'm SOOOO special. That's the mentality of a good percentage of people in NG, people who don't contribute but have the power to, not criticize, but judge a person on the work they spent hours on. To spend 2 weeks straight on a project, and try showing it to people in NG but not getting a lick of shit of care from anyone except negative criticism. Unless you're a girl. If you're a girl, show some cleavage, say some sexy words in a row on your mic and you're set!

But I know you're right, it's not that awful. I just gotta keep contributing, but I'm not as motivated to contribute here, or anywhere for that matter. It won't stop me, though! But I think it'd sprout a great change if somehow these artists got the motivation they feel needed to continue. Getting scouted is great and all, but again, once you've had your confidence in art destroyed by 5 people who think they know shit cause they sit on the internet for hours, well it's saddening, it makes you think who you're really doing this for. I don't know if you understand. But thanks for the post!

Newgrounds has been dying a slow but consistent death over the last decade thanks to sites like Youtube, which is okay. Because Newgrounds is a dinosaur, really.

I'm only still here because it's the right size for me to get exposure. Newgrounds is actually fantastic for anyone starting out, wanting a small amount of attention - sites like Youtube are too large. Anyone attempting to get exposure on Youtube is likely to have a horrible time unless they have some bloody good connections or make Minecraft videos or something.

That said, Newgrounds had its time - that time was an era when flash was more efficient than simply streaming video.

I opened Newgrounds without Adblock the other day, and boy am I ashamed to be a part of this site after seeing that.

I understand all of that, especially considering most of these websites just turn off their ".com" cause they can just make a Facebook, Twatter, and Tumblr and provide the same content they always did. But NewGrounds is better than that. Newgrounds went from Celebrity Killing games to hentai games to actually animation series and way more than that. Now with the video streamer they have, there's a lot of possibilities, especially considering how much traffic this site gets (mostly from the same users. Any new content seen here is already on YouTube).

But it's true, NG will either die like this and become a memory (most of it already is) or just keep shitting out content... Til then! Try and meet as most of these artists as possible I guess!

I actually like your idea, if there is anyway i can back you up with it, tell me, i don't think if i send Tom a message he will read it either anyway. Also thanks for checking out my animation, i got really dissapointed when i didn't even get to the top 5, and in that moment your idea might have helped me recover faster from that, it's like, once it has passed under judgement and later the newest animations, you don't get anymore views, like, at all, so maybe if it has a chance to get featured at least randomly it would be a positive thing for all artists who aretrying to get some exposure.

I actually feel the same way every time I've posted a Flash I spent weeks on. But it made me learn, and I understand and looking back at it, comparing it to others, it wasn't as good for the time, but all I wanted was some people to see it and chuckle. The Flash Portal is DEAD AS FUCK! No one cares about blamming or saving anymore, who gives a fuck, really?

Not trying to sound like a dick, but it seems to me like you're blaming this website for your problems. If you want better recognition for your work, then you'll have to produce better work. Step your game up.

There's already a lot of garbage showing up inexplicably on the front page all the time, which tells me that NG is already taking the time to spotlight artists who's work isn't the best but shows promise.

I also think you need to reevaluate your reasons for producing art, like do you make art because you like making art, or do you make art because you like it when the internet gives you kudos for it. The egoraptors and sexual lobsters of this site gained their following by just producing quality work, it's as simple as that.

You should refocus your goal from trying to make the front page to producing quality work.

I understand each point and you don't sound like a dick, part of it is true. I guess it's the frustration of being loyal to this site for years and contributing only to it, hoping someone would give me more than just a vote to "blam" or "save" my animation. I gave a try to the whole submitting on a regular basis, and on Newgrounds, cause I knew of no other website to submit flash animations to, and it demotivated me completely from Flash animation. I know it's my fault for being a little bitch and quitting so easily, I haven't quit, but that motivation of wanting to see the reaction of some Newgrounders to some jokes you made up and putting all this effort, just to get it thrown in the back shelf like that. Sorry I didn't take advanced animation classes yet, sorry I don't want to exploit titties on a thumbnail to get views, sorry I don't want to make jokes about dragonballzvideogames4chanmemespokemonhentairaywilliamjohnsonpedobearpokemonmariopeachhentaipokemonpokemonpookemonbatman(okaymaybethatone)pokemontittiesMylittleponyamongst others to get recognition cause I find it corny (me doing it, when they do it I love it, no hate, 'preciate) I understand that a lot of shit gets posted into Newgrounds; guess that's why people don't like going to the flash portal to blam or save anymore, and I know my work isn't top notch, but once it's reached that back shelf it's reached, ain't no way it's gonna be found unless I post stuff like this or on the forums to get some exposure, but even THE FORUMS get no replies! Isaygawddayum, I'm not really asking for anything I'm just saying the Flash Animation Portal on Newgrounds, really, ain't shit no more! But I guess I SHOULD post some titties and Pokemon and DBZ every so always. It's what the people want.

And muthafucka you ever tell me to re-think my goals again let me tell you I will be more than happy to set up a meeting with you so we could discuss it over tea. Good day. Dick.

Well here's a question just out of curiosity, how many flash cartoons and blogs do you rate/comment on? How many forum posts other than your own do you respond to? How many cartoons have you saved? Are you an active participant of the NG community, or is this some kind of strange one sided, hypocritical relationship?

Also, you need to rethink your goals.

Hm, well, now you're sounding a bit more like a dick, but if you want to know, Celshaded, and if you would do some research on this account and the other account I linked below, your bitch ass would notice I do tend to review with frequency, and also notice that I post on forum posts besides my own, and not to sound self-centered, but provide some good arguments, but they either never get a reply (but hey that's my fault, I don't make interesting topics, got you on that one already). If the forum ever moves even a little bit, chances are the responses will either not be frequent, or NO ONE GIVES A SHIT BECAUSE WHY WOULD YOU THE SITE DOESN'T MOVE. If you wanna know, and I hope I don't come off as a dick, because really, if you re-read your post, it's a little passive-aggresive, and it's hard to take kindly to that, I've been coming to this website since 2002, and since 2004 on the daily (and by daily, I mean DAY AND FUCKING NIGHT), stopped in 2007ish because just look at this place! I mean, yeah, you had a pretty good outcome, now you've got 500 fans on Newgrounds. How long before you notice you get a lot more attention in YouTube and tell all your fans to just check that channel? Nawh, never, you're always gonna appeal to your ROOTS, right? You're gonna stay loyal to this site, right? Because it's where you started. That's all I want, just some recognition from the site that helped me start and get a fucking interest in animation in the first place. This rant isn't about "Oh but I don't get any fans from Newgrounds!", It's more about "why the fuck do I even want to post on Newgrounds?" You have your reason, you have 500 fans. My reason? Should be to GET 500 fans on Newgrounds, right?! How do I do that? Submit submit submit! SIX fucking flash files, none of them get at least over 400 views. Watch them yourself! They're not amazing, right? But they're not fucking terrible. How do you think I feel after spending so much time on them and getting 200 views in a timeframe of 3 days because no one cares about viewing it. And why would they?! Honestly, please, Celshaded, tell me how many hours of the day you spend on the Flash portal, please. How much time do YOU spend contributing. But no, none of this applies to YOU, because in your first 3 Sonic flashes you made all those fans. I know where you're coming from, bro, and I know that at the end of the day you think I'll thank you for enlightening me on what I'm really doing, but you're so far from right, you should be left. (Pretty clever right?) But you're right, I should sell out, become everything I hated so that I can have 30,000 fans on Newgrounds that love me and get my references. This isn't what it's fucking about! It's not about exposure, it's not about fame, it's not about wanting to give Tom Fulp a goddamn reach around, it's about Newgrounds not really motivating ANYONE in the site to comment, review, visit the forum, AND ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTE. You COULD be a monthly winner of 100 dollars for voting! Pfft, like anyone believes that anymore.

But look, you can look to the side at everything I just said, I don't blame you, you have fans, you have a reputation here, you have people looking after you. Maybe I'll get that one day! Who knows! I'm hoping to! That's why I contribute to sites like YouTube and Deviant art. The submissions aren't great, sure, but when I open the front page I see something new everyday, I find a new artist every day, I get a "Thank you for your comment and favorite!" on my inbox every day. I haven't made it in those sites yet, sure, but I have a way better feeling about them than here! Just think about it man. Try to separate your mind from the mentality of "This guy's just an attention whore who wants the fame without the work". Honestly, see what I'm trying to say. Wait til all your Newgrounds fans one day think "Why am I even coming to this site, Youtube has Flash games now!". If you're going to reply to me and hope I answer back, try to see what I mean. Go to my other account. Notice my loyalty to this site, and how it feels it just shits on my face every time. But like I said, whenever I make an animation, I WILL submit it here, whenever I make some decent art, I'll post it here. But, and with this I conclude, wanting to become a regularly contributing member of this site (like making weekly videos) doesn't really motivate me. You, yes, 500 fans, 4 flashes. Awesome. Me, 6 flashes (without counting the shitty ones in my old account), 4 fans. Not giving a shit anymore.

I took the last 'muthafucka' line of your last post as snark, so I had a sparky reply. Perhaps I was mistaken? In any event, the point I was trying to make is that you can't expect to get comments and reviews without taking the time to return the favor. If you've been doing that, more power to you. All I'm saying is to not get so frustrated with the responses (or lack of) that you lose focus on your original reason for making cartoons in the first place. Yeah, I've got 500 followers, but do you think those 4 cartoons on my page are the only things I've ever submitted? I just deleted all the crap I did beforehand that got bad reviews. I also spend a great deal of time being active on this site and forum and make an effort to respond to all my comments, I'm mean shit, how do you think I found this blog? I built my fan base one person at a time over a long period of time. I'm not trying to use up all your comment space for our back and forth so I'll conclude this by saying you should stop worrying about making stuff you think people will like (like pokemondbzgta5 parodies) and really take the time to figure out what you would enjoy seeing in a cartoon and focus on that.

Yeah I was mad when I replied. Tried to edit it but it wouldn't let me so I said "fuck it". Either way, I agree you've made some points no doubt, but I still stand by the fact that the encouragement to discover new animations in Newgrounds isn't what it used to be. That's where I feel it needs change. I guess there's way better ways I could've re-stated my argument though. For example: I go to your Mean Sonic 2 cartoon, and in the "Enjoyed this? Check THESE out!"section, you'll find already popular cartoons, which is fine, I get that, but how in the world is someone supposed to feel encouraged to dwell to the depths of the 200 views cartoons, the forgotten realm of wasted talent where the flashes are so lonely they wish someone would just blam them. I get that contributing to the site means a lot in terms of getting recognition, but shit, well whatever I feel like I'm being redundant, so you get what I mean, I get what you mean, and Tom Fulp can suck a dick.

No but seriously I had an idea of a random flash being daily changed on the screen, just a random flash every few hours, and you can put like a maturity filter on it, but you can't make it exclusive (finding only random adult games) (unless you're a member of newgrounds). These are the types of changes I mean. I remember finding a bunch of artists from the NG "BYTE SIZE" screen thingy, where they just put a random shitty flash from a bunch of different people in a little screen that took no more than 500 bytes or so. I'm not saying put on your nostalgia goggles and bring back 2005 Newgrounds, but to find a way to encourage these people to browse around too, not just the artists I guess. I know that if I just found out about this website recently, and not been browsing for so long, I wouldn't even THINK about not coming here again. Okay maybe I'd think about it. And then actually come eventually. Maybe once every couple of months. Check out some of the porn. Remember 4chan and Tumblr have better porn. Go to the front page and watch a flash or two. See the artist has a youtube page. Go to his YouTube page. Find some recommended videos about Water in Slow Motion. Watch some water in slow motion for three hours. Notice it's getting late. Go to Newgrounds. Go to the art forum. Once again turn off the E, T and M tabs. Masturbate and go to sleep. Cry in the morning. Go back to sleep. Convince myself I'm gonna kill myself today. Pussy out. Come to Newgrounds.

"Newgrounds is like a fridge at 3 in the morning, you know you're not gonna find anything new, or maybe something you think is new, but it's just a different brand."

Haha loved that line.

Newgrounds has always been my favourite place, not only to upload content but to connect with the people and watch and experience their creativity through their animations and games. I used to run the account and website Junkyard Animations.... without Newgrounds I'd be a nobody. When Newgrounds started featuring my stuff on the front page my website sky-rocketed, I was getting 20 000 hits a day thanks to Tom Fulp, eventually it died down to 5000 hits a day which is still pretty solid. I hate YouTube and have always preferred Newgrounds, I had an account with Youtube and had 960 subscribers but the assholes banned and deleted my account for inappropriate content. Then GOOGLE took their ads down from my website :( I fell into debt and lost it all.... for 3 years I didn't make a single animation... but I missed it... a lot of ppl thought my cartoons were too crude or pointless, but I did have a decent sized fan base here and I made a lot of friends, I consider this site like a second home to me, you guys are all my family. I'm back with a new account and new crew and I hope to have you all do voices for my cartoons one day and collaborate with me :)

Willy, thanks for being a Newgrounds believer, don't give up on them ever, there's still something to build on here. Let's showcase our work to the world.

Also thanks for the fan art you drew of Needle Dick for me, I was blown away. I've shown my co-workers, friends, family and the Diagnosed With Immaturity Team, they all loved it.